6:45 PM

"Cars are meant to be experienced and driven, not sit dying in a museum," David Madeira, CEO, LeMay - America's Car Museum
In that spirit, three of ACM’s cars, a 1957 Chevrolet Nomad, a 1961 Chrysler 300G and a 1966 Ford Mustang, will embark on The Drive Home, a nearly 3,000 mile cross-country journey on their way to Detroit for the kick-off of the 2016 North American International Auto Show

There will be stops along the way for enthusiast “rallies” in various cities, with the final leg taking the cars down iconic Woodward Ave. in Michigan and for a huge party hosted at Cadillac Square in Detroit by Opportunity Detroit.

The Route
December 27 – Sendoff from America’s Car Museum*
December 28 – Enthusiast gathering in Boise, Idaho
December 29 – Enthusiast gathering in Salt Lake City, Utah
December 30 – Enthusiast gathering in Grand Junction, CO
December 31 – New Year’s Eve Party at Club Auto Colorado – Powered by Hagerty
January 1 – Enthusiast gathering in Hays, Kansas
January 2 – Hosted Event in Kansas City, Missouri
January 3 – Enthusiast Event in Kansas City, Missouri
January 3 – Hosted event in St. Louis, Missouri
January 4 – Homecoming Rally with State Farm in Bloomington, Illinois
January 5 – HEPpy Hour in Chicago, Illinois
January 6 – Caffeine & Gasoline fueled by Shell
January 7 – Hosted event in Birmingham, Michigan
January 8 – “Welcome Home” drive down Woodward Avenue* and hosted event by Opportunity Detroit
Interested in driving with ACM for a leg of the journey? Car Clubs and enthusiasts are invited to join ACM in their own vintage vehicles to drive on The Drive Home. Email info@americascarmuseum.org for more details. If driving the route is not an option, join ACM at one of the gatherings at the stops listed above.
More info:

I was simply amazed at the architecture of this absolutely beautiful venue Houston!! The environment was unbelievable. I was fortunate enough to visit a place like this, we found awesome things one after another after another.